Open Source @ 西门子 2024¶
会议地址 Event Location¶
我们的会议将在 江苏无锡举办,具体地址为:无锡市新吴区国家软件园 3WCoffee
Our event will be located in the city of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, which is around 110km west of Shanghai. We will meet in the 3WCoffee.
注册 Registration¶
Open Source @ 西门子2024 当前正处于筹备阶段,若需与我们取得联系,请发送邮件至
The Open Source @ 西门子 2024 event is currently in the planning stage. If you would like to get in touch with us, feel free to write a mail to
会议日程 Agenda¶
时间 Time (CST) | 主题 Title | 演讲人 Speaker | 全天 Full Day |
09:00 | 嘉宾签到 Door opening and registration |
10:00 | 开场 Opening Ceremony |
10:15 | 主题演讲 Keynote |
Jan Kiszka (西门子 Siemens) | |
10:30 | RISC-V在GNU中的状态和进展 Status and progress of RISC-V in GNU |
陈嘉炜 Chen Jiawei (中科院软件所PLCT实验室 PLCT Lab of ISCAS) | |
11:00 | 开源赋能AGV数字孪生 Open source empowers AGV Digital Twin |
李纯超 Li Chun Chao (西门子 Siemens) | |
11:30 | 智能制造新趋势下协作机器人的发展 Development of Collaborative Robots for manufacturing |
于圣龙 Yu Sheng Long (CGXi) | |
12:00 | 合影 Group Photos |
所有参会人员 All | |
12:15 | 午餐 Lunch break |
所有参会人员 All | |
13:30 | 一个数据仓库引擎的 Query 协议(和生态)的演化 An evolution of a data warehouse's query protocol (and ecosystem) |
李亚舟 Li Yazhou (Databend Labs) | |
14:00 | 开源版权 Open Source Copyright |
王洋 Wang Yang (西门子 Siemens) | |
14:30 | EMQ工业数智化数据底座 The EMQ database for industrial digitization |
刘蒙 Liu Meng (EMQ) | |
15:00 | 茶歇 Break |
所有参会人员 All | |
15:30 | DaoCloud开源基础设施 DaoCloud - Open Source Infrastructure |
张世明 Zhang Shiming (DaoCloud) | |
16:00 | 开源许可证合规性的开源方法 Open Source Approaches for Open Source License Compliance |
Frances Paulisch (西门子医疗 Siemens Healthineers) | |
16:30 | 与Rust同行:中国开发者的成长之路 Walking with Rust: The Growth Journey of China Developers |
张汉东 Alex Zhang | |
17:00 | 结束语 Closing Remarks |
17:15 | 自由交流/步行去餐馆 Socializing / Walking To The Restaurant |
所有参会人员 All | |
18:00 | 晚宴在无锡新湖铂尔曼大酒店 Dinner at Pullmann Wuxi New Lake |
所有参会人员 All |
时间 Time (CST) | 主题 Title | 演讲人 Speaker | 全天 Full Day |
09:00 | 嘉宾签到 Door opening and registration |
10:00 | 开场 Opening Ceremony |
10:15 | OpenBMB开源端侧模型技术分享 OpenBMB - The Open Lab for Big Model Base |
缪钧玮 Miao Junwei (清华大学 Tsinghua University) | |
10:45 | 西门子:内部大型语言模型API Siemens Internal LLM APIs |
杨少鹏 Yang Shao Peng (西门子 Siemens) | |
11:15 | SAP GenAI Hub 在提供大语言模型服务上的现状和挑战 Current State and Challenges of SAP GenAI Hub for Serving Large Language Models (LLMs) |
蔡礼泽 Lize Cai (思爱普 SAP) | |
11:45 | 合影 Group Photos |
所有参会人员 All | |
12:00 | 午餐 Lunch break |
所有参会人员 All | |
13:00 | OpenUSD Physical AI在智能制造领域的应用探索与思考 Manufacturing Application for OpenUSD Physical AI |
曹徐伟 Vigor Cao (英伟达 NVIDIA) | |
13:30 | 西门子的视觉应用 Vision Application at Siemens |
董晓滨 Dong Xiao Bin (西门子 Siemens) | |
14:00 | 视觉在制造业中的应用 Vision Application in Manufacturing |
陈昕言 Xinyang Chen (思爱普 SAP) | |
14:30 | AI on MCU |
王广锋 Wang Guang Feng (西门子 Siemens) | |
14:45 | 人工智能大模型在医疗价值链上的应用场景和实践 Application scenarios of AI models in the healthcare industry |
季语泊 Ji Yu Bo (西门子医疗 Siemens Healthineers) | |
15:15 | 茶歇 Break |
所有参会人员 All | |
15:30 | AI4EDA |
陶思敏 Tao Simin (鹏城实验室 Peng Cheng Lab) | |
16:00 | ChatRFID |
邓晓东 Deng Xiao Dong (西门子 Siemens) | |
16:15 | 百度千帆大模型在工业智能制造领域的应用 Baidu Qianfan model application in manufacturing |
史巍 Shi Wei (百度 Baidu) | |
16:45 | 时间序列的基础模型 Towards Foundational Models for Times Series |
张绍群 Zhang Shao Qun (南京大学 Nanjing University) | |
17:15 | 开放式讨论 Open Discussion |
所有参会人员 All | |
18:00 | 晚宴在无锡新湖铂尔曼大酒店 Dinner at Pullmann Wuxi New Lake |
所有参会人员 All |
酒店推荐 Hotel Recommendation¶
和风路30号, 无锡新吴区, 214135 无锡, 中国
The following hotel is in walking distance to the event location:
Pullmann Wuxi New Lake
No 30 Hefeng Road, Xinwu District, 214135 WUXI, China